Isometric neck side bending / Extension / Flexion

Use neck muscles for side bending, Flexion, or extension. Resist the movement of neck by applying opposite force with hand
Chin Tucks

Keep Neck straight, tuck chin inside without a moving neck.
Shoulder Streching

Hold hands together in front and raise / flex to go over head. Stretch as far as possible.
Shoulder Shrugs

Arms by side (may hold weight), pull shoulder up towards ears. Relax and Repeat
Scapular Squeeze

Start with arms by side, then bring elbows behind back as far as possible. Relax and repeat
Wall Push / Push ups

Stand with foot away from wall, palms resting on wall and arms stretched. Gradually bring chest close to wall by flexing elbows. Again go back to stretched position and repeat
1. Avoid Jerky movements. Hold posture for count of 10 and repeat it 10 times.
2. This Document is a rough guide, Follow Instructions from your Doctor and Physiotherapist.
3. Any inconvenience or increase in pain should be reported to the Doctor/ Physiotherapist.